Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 20!

I don't have much to say!! It's day 20 and I feel good! Pants that used to be sooo tight fit with ease and I just feel better in general! It's an amazing feeling to know I went 3 weeks without cheating!! You have no idea how hard it is...people who say "food is food" like my grandpa and mom are so wrong and really couldn't understand that unless they did something like this. HAHA ;) you gain a greater appreciation for foods of all kinds and realize that the things you were eating before really are NOT good for you! There are alternatives to everything! I will never be a vegan or a vegetarian, but I can say I've learned the value of fruits and veggies. Eating enough of them is really important and I think there are few people that actually do. I'm excited to work out...hike, run, do yoga...I'm excited to eat fish and chicken and eggs and granola and some sweets! Golden spoon! CHIPOTLE! Oh my gosh, I'm going to wait a while, but the day I have chipotle again will be a heaven on earth kind of day. Seriously, you probably underestimated how much I love chipotle! Probably will never drink soda again...cutting alcohol down if not completely's such a social thing! Haha :) gonna try and find healthy alternatives to all the things I love and continue to live life eating well and as clean as possible! Okay! Day 20 almost done, ONE MORE TO GO!

So happy!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 14!!

Woah, it's been a while! Sorry! I've been keeping busy and trying not to think about the cleanse! I'm ready for it to be OVER! Ready to eat what I want when I want. This has definitely helped me and it's going to change my whole lifestyle...which to me is the whole point. I'm leaning things about food I never knew and really excited to keep living healthy and eating clean!

So far I'm down about 8lbs and can definitely see a difference in my legs and those love handles! I've been feeling good for the most part...had some rough days along the way, but overall I'm loving life! I'm excited to be able to work out after this. I went mountain biking yesterday, but couldn't push myself which was a bummer...still fun though! Softball hit in the head with the ball! That didn't help my hunger headache. Eating late tonight cause our game was earlier. It's tough to plan your life around this cleanse!

So far I would definitely recommend The Ultimate Reset. It's so so challenging and will push you (that should not be taken lightly), but you can't beat the feeling you have knowing you're doing the best things for your body. I think it'd be great to do as a family or as a couple. Having support is huge and doing it with someone would be great! My willpower is stronger than I thought! I haven't cheated once and I'm so proud of myself!

Tonight I took my last detox packet and was ECSTATIC! I'm happy to never have to drink it again! :) week 3 should be a breeze. All fruits and veggies! I would kill for a veggie burger right now...golden spoon...chipotle...I will eat chipotle again. Will just split my bowl into 2 meals and ditch the chips! Can't take away my chipotle tabasco though so don't even think about it! Okay, I'm tired and need my rest!

Bring it on week 3, I'm ready for you!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

DAY 8!

The start of week 2 and as of right now at 3:49pm I am feeling GOOD! Up until now it's been a bit rocky...I was feeling dizzy and when I was standing/walking I almost felt like I was going to fall over. ODD! But now all is well! I just took Alkalinize and it's getting easier! Detox is GROSS. I did it with water this morning and literally threw up. This afternoon I added a bit of cranberry juice and it was tolerable...hopefully that gets easier as I will be doing it THREE times a day! Yikes!

Had salad for lunch and it was really good...dinner tonight is brown rice and pinto beans, green beans and zucchini. YUM! :)

I think it's all up hill from here and I'm excited to see what my body does with this in the next 2 weeks and on! I know that this is going to be a totally life changing eating habits will be completely different, for the better! I am beginning to see why this is such a highly recommended cleanse and I'm really glad I decided to do it and am sticking to it!

3 weeks is a long, long time and I can say I will be happy when it is over. I think the thing I'll enjoy the most is eating when I want to eat...if I get hungry at 1:30 and I already ate lunch I can have some berries or an apple and it will be OKAY! I will never take food freedom for granted again!

8th day (almost) done and only 13 more to go!

OH YEAH, IT'S FRIDAYYYYY! Happy weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 7!

Hi guys! I haven't written in a while and I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry to say week 1 is almost over! I am super excited and feeling good! At the moment I am very hungry...I took my supplements and am waiting til 12 so I can eat! I did stray from the menu a little which I'm sure isn't the best, but it just is not possible for me to find time to cook all these meals in my tiny "kitchen" and I've run out of room in my minuscule fridge. So I have been improvising and using left overs and week 2 I become a VEGAN! Never thought I would EVER say that! I am so looking forward to the sweet potato red pepper bisque. I hear it is delicious :) I have a feeling I'll come back to that recipe often. It just sounds so good!

So the past few days I have been feeling good...waking up with more energy than normal and I haven't weighed myself, but I doubt I've lost a huge amount of weight. I am not looking forward to the Detox supplement...yucky brown powder that apparently tastes spicy! AHH! You mix it with water and have to take it 3 times a DAY for a whole week! I'm sure I'll be "detoxing" my body well if you know what I mean. HA!

Okay, I have to work now...speaking of work it's hard to concentrate sometimes because my head seems to be a bit cloudy...I think its the stomach must be huge because it still hasn't shrunk! Water, water, water all day long...water is so boring!

Bye for real! 7 days down, 14 to go (almost) woo hoo! :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day four!

Can't believe it's already been 4 days! Today was much better! I mixed my nasty green stuff with cranberry juice today and it wasn't as bad! Still not good...and something about the juice made the little granules more noticeable. YUCK! Haha oh well, to health!

Anyway, I ate peanut butter as my snack today because I was driving home from work and SO hungry! Hahaha do what you gotta do! Then I got home...did a lot of dishes...then got them dirty again. Le sigh. Tonight's dinner was veggie stir fry and quinoa. That stuff is okay I guess...a little bland for my liking, but not terrible. The best part about tonight's dinner was eating it in the movie theater! Hahaha Jeff and I went to see Snow White and the Huntsman which was very, very good!

It's tough to plan your life around food. Luckily I haven't missed any supplements or meals (I would die of I missed a meal haha)! I think it's only uphill from here...4 days down and only 17 to go! :)


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 3.

Hello all,

I'm going to keep this short! Today started out fine! Breakfast was good, hung out with cousins, lunch was even okay! I had lentil lime salad. After lunch I went to Special Olympics practice and following was our end of the season party. It was really fun...minus the fact that BJs was taunting me the entire time. It was around the late afternoon when I started to feel really emotional...I cried for the craziest reason ever and just couldn't get it together! I was feeling weak and just overall not good! Hunger came over me, but I was stuck there til the end and I still needed to go home and make dinner. Long story short, that failed and I had to improvise. Now I'm just exhausted with a headache and terribly bummed out tomorrow is already Monday.

Day 3 has proven to be the worst. Here's to better days.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day two, part two!

Hi guys! It's late and I'm sleepy! Not too much to say about today. It was a super fun afternoon! Spent it with my cousin Joe and friend Jeff (we played some shooting game then Mario Party!) later, after she got off work, Ina joined us. We hung out in laguna a bit then went back to their place in South Laguna. They cooked and ate dinner with me which was SO nice! :) company is fun especially when they don't mind eating what you are!

Today's menu:

Lunch...salad, chicken breast and my dressing. Eating chicken with my salad was AMAZING! I snacked today! Had an apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter! YUM! Dinner...vegan taco and steamed kale (YUCK!) I don't really like kale at least not steamed. The lemon juice and salt made it tolerable.

It's 11 now and I am starting to get a bit hungry! The hardest thing so far has been knowing you can't eat anything else when your meals are done, oh and being around Joe and Jeff drinking yummy beverages and eating delicious snacks! It's all mental! As Joe would say, "Hunger is a manifestation of the mind!"

Day 2 down, 19 to go!

Til next time!

Day two, part one!

Hi guys! Happy Saturday! I forgot to mention yesterday that I HAVE NEVER HAD THIS MUCH WATER TO DRINK IN MY LIFE. Hahaha I know it's bad, my cousin Ina already diagnosed me as chronically dehydrated. Well, NO MORE! Water is growing on me...because it has to haha :) it's not that bad.

Anyway, I slept a lot last night which I think is normal. You get more tired before you get energized. Woke up around 8:15, took my supps then made breakfast...I wasn't hungry when I got up, but then all of a sudden my stomach was like a monster screaming, "FEEEEED ME!" Today's breakfast consisted of 1 cup steel cut oats (meh), 1 cup blueberries (YUM) and 1/2 cup of organic plain yogurt (SOUR! I made it edible by adding a pinch of stevia). It really is amazing how DELICIOUS okay food can taste.

Okay, time to get real...this is a if you have issues talking about you should stop reading here.

I didn't poo at all yesterday which was weird! I normally don't have issues in that department...hey, don't be weird...everyone poops. (Side note: that's a great book my grandparents owned when I was little...if you're having problems with that fact I suggest you go buy it! Haha!) I asked a friend who knows people that did this and they said, "the poops a comin!" Well no need to worry my lovely readers, I went this morning! Phew! What's a cleanse without a little poo cleansing?!

Okay, I'm done for now! More later!

Ciao! :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day one, part two!

Wow...I just enjoyed such an amazing meal! Salmon, asparagus and boiled potatoes. Note to self and anyone who might do this cleanse: EAT A SNACK when it suggests to! I was way hungrier than I should have been, but all is well!

I forgot to mention earlier that throughout the day I did feel a bit shaky and got the chills a few times. I think this is simply because the lack of sugar/carbs as well as your body's reaction to taking in all these new supplements.

I feel good now, a bit tired...I think it's going to be an early night. I've decided that during these 3 weeks I'm going to get good sleep and wake up early to make the most of my days! Not much more to say!

Day 1 down, 20 to go! Happy weekend everyone! :)

Day one, part one!

Hi guys! For those of you who may not know...I'm Jessica! :)

I recently decided to do a very intense, yet gentle cleanse by Beachbody. It's called The Ultimate Reset and I am suuuuuper excited! If you haven't heard about it check it out...HERE!

It has been quite the day and I think I am in for quite a challenge! Well here's what I have to say about that...CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! ;)

This morning I woke up at 7 and took mineralize (salt you put in distilled water), oxygenize (literally pure oxygen) and optimize (pills with brown stuff in them). I then had to wait 30 minutes to eat so I showered, got ready for my day then began to cook! Breakfast included 2 eggs, lots of spinach and a piece of whole grain toast. It was quite delicious!

It definitely felt nice to get up early and actually make a good, healthy breakfast! I'm hoping that this cleanse/diet helps me in that department...I am the worst when it comes to making "real" foods! I've been living on the post college diet consisting of pasta, chicken, mac n cheese and CHIPOTLE among other things.

Side note: I LOVE CHIPOTLE. I think the hardest part for me to wrap my head around going into this cleanse was giving it up for a whole THREE WEEKS! Don't judge is the only thing I ever really crave!

Anyway, I started work at 9 and by 10:30 I was so hungry! I know this is going to take some getting used to! At 11:00 I took my supplements again, waited 30 minutes and ate lunch...mixed greens, pine nuts, sunflower seeds and homemade vinegarette! It was pretty good, but hardly enough! I made the dressing this morning and it consisted of extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegarette, raw honey, lemon juice, black pepper and hymalayan salt. It's fun to make your own food! :)

My afternoon consisted of more work and more 3:00 I had to take the dreaded was described to me as "salty grass," definitely not appealing to me AT ALL. Surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...I plugged my nose and downed it as fast as I could.

So here I am! 4pm and it's Friday! The weekend will prove to be difficult as Sunday is our end of the season party for Special Olympics and BJ's is catering...BJ's...oh my gosh do I have to explain my feelings there?! Haha oh well! I have faith in me and in the end I know it will be worth it!

More later! Thanks for reading! :)