Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 20!

I don't have much to say!! It's day 20 and I feel good! Pants that used to be sooo tight fit with ease and I just feel better in general! It's an amazing feeling to know I went 3 weeks without cheating!! You have no idea how hard it is...people who say "food is food" like my grandpa and mom are so wrong and really couldn't understand that unless they did something like this. HAHA ;) you gain a greater appreciation for foods of all kinds and realize that the things you were eating before really are NOT good for you! There are alternatives to everything! I will never be a vegan or a vegetarian, but I can say I've learned the value of fruits and veggies. Eating enough of them is really important and I think there are few people that actually do. I'm excited to work out...hike, run, do yoga...I'm excited to eat fish and chicken and eggs and granola and some sweets! Golden spoon! CHIPOTLE! Oh my gosh, I'm going to wait a while, but the day I have chipotle again will be a heaven on earth kind of day. Seriously, you probably underestimated how much I love chipotle! Probably will never drink soda again...cutting alcohol down if not completely's such a social thing! Haha :) gonna try and find healthy alternatives to all the things I love and continue to live life eating well and as clean as possible! Okay! Day 20 almost done, ONE MORE TO GO!

So happy!!!!

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