Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 3.

Hello all,

I'm going to keep this short! Today started out fine! Breakfast was good, hung out with cousins, lunch was even okay! I had lentil lime salad. After lunch I went to Special Olympics practice and following was our end of the season party. It was really fun...minus the fact that BJs was taunting me the entire time. It was around the late afternoon when I started to feel really emotional...I cried for the craziest reason ever and just couldn't get it together! I was feeling weak and just overall not good! Hunger came over me, but I was stuck there til the end and I still needed to go home and make dinner. Long story short, that failed and I had to improvise. Now I'm just exhausted with a headache and terribly bummed out tomorrow is already Monday.

Day 3 has proven to be the worst. Here's to better days.


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